Rabu, 20 April 2011

Hindu Nationalist stopped 50 lakh Hindus from converting in India

By PHP India
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
 (Photo : Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) or also known as World Hindu Council leader Mr.Pravin Bhai Togariya speaking in a press conference in India)

India (Orissa) : Viswa Hindu Parisad (VHP) said its focus was on preventing religious conversion and asked its members to protest wherever there is an attack on any Hindu.

"With its attention focused on checking conversion, VHP has succeeded in preventing about 50 lakh Hindus from switching over to other faiths in last 10 years," VHP's international general secretary Praveen Togadia said while addressing a public meeting here.

He said VHP has also brought back more than 1.5 lakh converted people into Hindu fold.

He criticised the both Centre and Orissa government accusing them of pursuing what he called a policy of 'appeasement'.

Togadia asked all Hindus to unite and fight for the cause of preventing conversion, cow slaughter and bringing back up the glorious past of the Hindus.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Gopinath Kumar (PHP)
Date: Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 9:12 AM
Subject: Fwd: VHP stopped 50 lakh Hindus from converting:
To: Pakistan Hindu Post (PHP)


Dear PHP Readers and coordinators,

     We need a similar project in Islamic Republic of Pakistan, In order to save one of the most modern day persecuted/discriminated Hindu community in world.

Note : Pakistan is home to 4 to 5 Millions Hindus or 5th largest Hindu population in world.

Lets join hands !

Best Regards,
Gopinath Kumar

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Amar Guriro (Karachi City)
Date: Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 10:41 AM
Subject: Re: VHP stopped 50 lakh Hindus from converting:
To: "Pakistan Hindu Post (PHP)"

Dear Gopinath, Well said, National Census 1998 states 2.7 million Hindus, the biggest religous minority of  Pakistan, however, Pakistan Hindu Foundation (PHF) claims that there after 14 years its has reached to 4.7 million.


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