Rabu, 25 Agustus 2010

Pakistani Hindus Seek Indian Citizenship

Source: www.indianexpress.com
Wednesday, 25 Augest, 2010
( PHOTO : Festival time for Pakistani Hindus )
JALANDHAR, INDIA : Facing alleged social discrimination and economic hardship, a number of Hindus and Sikhs from Pakistan want to embrace Indian citizenship. Many Pakistanis belonging to Hindu and Sikh faiths have been living with their relatives in various parts of India for years and many of them want to be here permanently. About 200 such families have been residing in this city for over 10 years. While some of them have acquired citizenship of this country, many who are still waiting accuse the Indian government of being “apathetic” to their condition.

Sammakh Ram, who migrated here with his family from Peshawar in 1998, claims that the condition of Hindus in the neighboring country is “miserable”. “You can’t imagine how Hindus are treated there. We neither have any rights nor facilities,” he said. “Now, this is our country and we will not go back to Pakistan at any cost,” he said.

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